Get to know

Larry "SugarBear" Reyes

I’ve spent almost 20 years understanding company culture. Like a human masterpiece, it’s medium of employees bring innovation and teamwork that can effectively impact business performance. The wealth of experience I've attained supporting various industries translates into understanding clients' needs better than anyone else.


RewardingCulture gives you the most efficient and affordable culture consulting service that companies are seeking today.  You want someone who has practical experience and recognizes that it’s truly 25% science and 75% artistry to establish and scale a workplace culture. I’ve had the rare experience to contribute to the success of a startup organization to a $1.2 billion global and public company.


Understanding Your Cultural Challenge

Mobilizing leadership teams to visualize and assess hidden opportunity to amplify a high-performance workplace culture.


My Expert Opinion on Approach

Customizing a leading edge culture plan to align organizational strategy or company challenges with employee behavior to drive innovative results.


Our Partnership on Delivery

Initiating on agreed plan by defining execution deliverables, logistical application, train-the-trainer facilitation, and implementation review


Igniting a Culture of Tradition

Igniting workplace culture through new process and programs with outcomes influencing employee and client engagement at scaling.


Understanding Your Cultural Challenge

Mobilizing leadership teams to visualize and assess hidden opportunity to amplify a high-performance workplace culture.


Our Partnership on Delivery

Initiating on agreed plan by defining execution deliverables, logistical application, train-the-trainer facilitation, and implementation review


My Expert Opinion on Approach

Customizing a leading edge culture plan to align organizational strategy or company challenges with employee behavior to drive innovative results.


Igniting a Culture of Tradition

Igniting workplace culture through new process and programs with outcomes influencing employee and client engagement at scaling.

Let me help you develop your culture and find your strengths

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